Melissa Baldwin Therapy

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Covid-19 and Our Nervous System

If you find yourself on high alert in your nervous system right now, you are not alone. Being calm and intentional in actions when all of our lives have changed so drastically is incredibly challenging.

People laugh at the toilet paper hoarders and make fun of individuals who seem to be preparing for the apocalypse, but to me, as a therapist, it makes sense.

We are the experiences of our pasts living in our current nervous systems. Our brains seek out safety, and when safety is not found, they concoct very elaborate ways of getting the need of security met. Some of us hoard toilet paper, and others go for a walk.

If we have dealt with our past traumas healthily, we can navigate new stresses and adapt more quickly. When we have a significant amount of trauma built up in the pressure of our nervous system sends messages to the old behaviors and thoughts we had when we were unsafe, we become a bit twitchy.

Since this is a unique experience for most of us, our nervous systems will come up with new ways to adapt to stress.

If anything feels too big or too hard, I am available through email or zoom to walk this journey with you. Here are some things to do to calm your nervous systems.

Here are some things to do to calm your nervous systems.

Breathe- slowly and deeply from your belly


Meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, Centering Prayer, Yoga- Check out youtube for more information on how to do any of these practices.

Smile at everyone you make eye contact toward we all could use simple kindness

Take a walk

Call five people

Cook something from scratch


Play a board game or cards

Find a youtube channel and learn something you have wanted.

Get your hands in the dirt. Spring is just around the corner.

If you believe in a Divine presence in the universe, say a prayer and give thanks for what you have.

Remember, you are not alone in this; we are all in it together.

Free Somatic therapy consultations always available.