Trauma is Unique
You are unique, much like the albino peacock.
There are as many ways to approach trauma held in our nervous systems as there are people.
One way is not better than another because everyone needs something different.
The therapy experienced in my office is individually focused.
If a client has had a lot of meditation practice and yoga or prayer in their life, they will check in with their sensations more easily.
Suppose my client has come from an alcoholic household where they watched physical or experienced physical violence regularly will need something different.
If you have been molested or an addict, these again require more mindful and straightforward approaches to your body.
In that case, the client will need first to start being mindful of their bodies for short periods.
Feet on the floor, tightening and opening the belt buckle a little to notice the difference between these types of activities.
I have teenagers who can sit with their bodies and others who we need to start by focusing on the breath and maybe walking around or a little dancing.
Every person is unique and has trauma held differently.
The Somatic psychotherapy process is a collaborative process where we try different ways and eventually settle on the best way for the client to release what they are holding.
If you want to change a behavior, thought pattern, addiction, or interpersonal skill set, then come in.
I know we can figure out what your therapy has been missing and find a style that works for you.
Consultations are always free.