Melissa Baldwin Therapy

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Healing Is Possible

Every person that walks into my office is struggling with anxiety or repressed grief.

It takes obvious forms of not thinking clearly, addictive tendencies, angry outbursts, fidgety limbs, but most people live with these forms of disabling emotions without realizing what they are.

For example, we all have survival patterns wired into our nervous systems.

Some of them come from trauma, abandonment, and different things that are unique to us and we move them aside, shove them down, numb them, and go on with life.

But in this practice, our life, which we feel we have control over, actually has power over us.

We are psychologically invested in the nervous system sensations we experience that won't let go.

We are unconsciously addicted to these patterns even though they disappoint us and constrict us.

The only way to fully heal these survival patterns is to get vulnerable enough to move past them.

To move past them, we must feel safe and trust our ability to heal this deep wounding patterning that we cling to and call living.

Somatic therapy work comes in and helps with this process of healing.

By being present in stillness with a trained Somatic professional finding the safety and the compassion for yourself to gently step into the old patterns and feel them on a visceral level briefly, then acknowledge them and let them go.

By doing this, the nervous systems start the rewiring process because it finally trusts in its ability to move past the constant trauma loop it has created and shift to something healthier.

You can heal your life permanently with Somatic therapy work.

Your nervous systems are changed by becoming silent, listening deeply to what you are unwilling to acknowledge, and giving love to the spaces you disconnect from daily.

Please call and come in for a free consultation of Somatic Therapy to see if this work might help you.