Melissa Baldwin Therapy

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Helping Children with somatic Therapy

Working with teenagers and elementary age children, I have realized that most have coping skills that encourage them not to feel feelings.

I work with sixth and seventh graders, where a lot of them were not even confident how to recognize what their bodies feel like when they have emotions unless they were emotions that created visible signs such as tears.

Their nervous systems work the same as an adult.

For example, every time another kid teases a child, a response is prewired in their nervous systems and muscle memory.

Our bodies choose what has worked for us in the past and we unconsciously keep accepting those responses.

So your child can become a hitter, cry uncontrollably or shut down when teased depending on how they have learned to respond.

None of these responses are ideal.

If they can stop the pattern and feel a sensation, then they can choose a different response.

Somatic Psychotherapy encompasses movement, mindfulness, imagination, stillness, breathing, and lots of description about sensations.

Most of them pick it up quickly and are excited to know; eventually, they can control their behaviors and thoughts.

If you are struggling with your child in any way, Somatic Psychotherapy can help.

A free consultation ifor Somatic Therapy is always available. Call me