Choose choice!

I awaken every day to many choices. I choose to do my Centering Prayer practice first thing in the morning because I know if I don't, I will feel less present all day long.

I choose to stay in a relationship with my boyfriend.

When my son is with us, I choose to prioritize time with him.

Every day I choose to go against my nature and see the glass as half full.

I want to be a loving and kind mother and partner. I want to view people as inherently good and creation as a life force of indescribable complexity and beauty.

None of this comes easy for me and to have the life I envision when I close my eyes and dream, I must follow certain practices. I must lean into the uncomfortable places, find humility, and put my egoic self aside.

I cannot do any of this if my nervous system responses are running the show, and I spend my life reacting to others instead of breathing in and digging down to accept reality.

What are you choosing? Do you feel you have options?

Do you focus on what you are not getting from your spouse, child, job, family?

Do you see that you have a choice over your emotional state of mind?

If you do not know that you can control your nervous systems, then Somatic work can help get you to a place where you are consciously making choices about your behavior, thoughts, and magnificent life.

Call me. Let’s do this together.

Free Somatic Therapy consultations always available.

Melissa Baldwin