Beware of Biodyanmic Wizards
The first person who introduced me to Biodynamic cranial-sacral was a woman who had practiced for decades. She would put her hands on me and say, " I am moving your temporal bones, or I am flushing your sinuses with fluid." I would feel sensations that were similar to what she was describing, and at that moment, I was hooked.
The work seemed magical, and she was a wizard.
One day her voice raised towards me, and I became Dorothy. I pulled back the curtain of the All-Mighty Powerful Oz. Where once in my mind stood a wizard now was a very wounded, easily threatened woman who had no supernatural powers.
My brokenness and poor boundaries kept me from seeing her clearly until she revealed herself.
If you receive a session from a Biodynamic cranial therapist and they say what you are experiencing on the table is too good to be true think twice.
Be aware and trust your instincts about whom you see for Biodynamic cranial sacral sessions.
If every session contains an element of magical movement or bone adjustments,leave.
As practitioners, it is difficult to sit in stillness, and we can fall into the trap of manufacturing images and stories for our clients to feed our egos.
Being in stillness with another present has been around for thousands of years in all religions. This work is your body sensing its own Divine nature.
With this work, you can tap into your awareness to bring about significant change.
With the right practitioner, you can pull back your curtain and awaken the beautiful, resilient, incredible person that has always been you.
If you want to experience this work in safety with no bells or whistles call and set up a session.