Moments of Magic need Stillness
I talked with a good friend the other day, and she told me of a magical moment she had.
One night as she sat opposite a woman, she did not like her emotions shifted toward utter compassion.My friend now saw this boastful woman as a lonely girl who needed affirmation from others, and her heart broke.
These moments are rare for me, and yet when they happen, it is magical.
I am sure you have had moments like this when someone you find challenging becomes suddenly recognizable as a wounded human and not the angry boss, selfish friend, or whatever label we have given them.
How do we receive more of these moments?
We must become intimately acquainted with our egoic self—the great protector who keeps ideologies, beliefs, races, political parties ahead of people.
How do we do this?
Silence and stillness is the only way.
As people, our nervous systems dominate our life experience except when we are still and silent.
People say to me they want to be calmer, but then they are not willing to be silent and continue to live inside their thoughts.
Activities such as yoga, meditation, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, meditative walks are all ways to find stillness. Taking a run or walking/hiking with earbuds is not the same thing.
“Practicing deep belly breathing and setting aside moments of stillness in our days is the most crucial step to finding out who you are and tapping into your ability to see people from a broader, more generous perspective. ”
Come in and learn how to let go of your ego and be silent with yourself.
Find the deep well of love you have to offer all people that is brewing inside.
Free Somatic Therapy consultations always available