3 Questions To Ask Yourself Now
What am I not saying that needs to be said?
What am I saying that is not being heard?
What is being said that I am not hearing?
In every relationship, we have something we want to say that we aren't. We all want to be heard when we speak. We also all have people we are not listening to fully.
It is always best to do these exercises when you are calm and not distracted.
Make a list and journal the answer on one or all of these questions.
Alternatively, ask yourself one of these questions daily or weekly and sit with your answers for just a few minutes.
Rest with the knowledge that you have set up the possibility of awareness to come to you on this issue.
Share your insights with your therapist, trusted friend, or family member.
Use these questions as a catalyst for shifting your perspective or helping you navigate muddy relationships.
Email me and tell me what you have learned about yourself I am interested.
Free Somatic therapy consultations always available.