Find your Hope
Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand.
Thomas Aquinas
Hope I know what it feels like, and I know it lives in me, but the more I fill my head with national news or partisan politics, the more it eludes me.
I have had to take action in my life to keep hope well-fed.
I do not spend time with people filled with anger, no matter which side they are on.
Anyone who FB posts from the lens that we live in a hateful place or we are vile people I snooze for 30 days.
If self-righteousness thinking has taken over my friends’ rational minds: the conversation is over until I have time to give my full compassion.
It is not a matter of disagreement; it is a matter of taking care of my heart.
When we keep hope, we understand that we are accepting and living with holding the tension between having no concrete answers or clear resolutions, yet there is the glimmer of something better.
Once we have tapped into the hope that dwells inside, we will find a calm strength beyond anything we have ever known.
Spend a few minutes today in stillness and silence and see if you can touch what is already planted.
Take ten belly breaths.
Sit with the word hope resonating in your mind and see what lightens in your body.
Find ways to water your hope once you have found it.
Call me if you are feeling hopeless.
Free Somatic Therapy consultations always available.